What You Need To Know About Gun Auctions
Monday, August 24th, 2015
Auctions are a great way to buy and sell many items, including farm equipment, valuable antiques, property, real estate, vehicles and guns. Auctions are a good way to find a great deal on new or antique guns. Before participating in a gun auction as a buyer or a seller, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind. You should set up an account with the auction house, during which time you will provide necessary information for a background check. You should also research the guns you wish to sell or purchase, and the laws related to them, before the auction begins.
Setting up an auction account
First, you will need to set up an account with the auction house where you plan to buy or sell guns. Establishing an account involves giving the auction house all of your contact information and other information that will be used for a criminal background check. Make sure you understand the terms of the background check, and read the terms of sale for the specific auction house you are considering.
Doing a background check before the auction
The auction house will perform a background check to make sure you do not have a criminal record or history. The background check is conducted in order to ensure that nothing prevents you from purchasing or selling a gun. It is important to know that you will have to pass this background check before you enter the buying or selling process.
Conducting research about guns and gun ownership before the auction
Every state has different laws, so find out if it is legal in your area to purchase guns through an auction. Find out what the laws are regarding gun purchase and ownership before proceeding, then research information about the guns you wish to buy or sell. Browse the NRA website to find out more about gun buying and selling guidelines, as they vary between states.
If you are purchasing a gun, go into the auction with a set limit for yourself so you don’t bid more than you can afford. If you are selling a valuable antique firearm, you may want to consider placing a reserve on it. Purchasers will need to consider the added premium fees as well as the purchase price into their budget before buying a gun from an auction.
For more information
Are you interested in buying or selling collectible guns at auction and want more information about the process? Contact High Plains Auctioneers at (806) 244-6776 to find out more about buying or selling guns at auction. Contact Us through email with your questions or to find out more about our services and browse our upcoming auctions.