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What To Do When You Don’t Sell Items At An Estate Sale

Monday, December 23rd, 2019
estate auction tips from high plains auctioneers

Having an estate sale can be a good way to get rid of items that you no longer need and make some extra cash. But, most people aren’t able to sell every item during the event, especially if they are on the expensive side. Here are some tips to help you sell the leftover items from your estate sale.

Find the best way to sell your items

You have a few options when it comes to selling those items leftover from the estate sale. You could go online and sell cheaper items in bulk and auction the most expensive items on your own. You could also donate any items you no longer need to a charity or thrift store. If you plan on selling ALL of the items at one time, an auction is your best bet.

Auctioneers can move items as lots or separately if you prefer. They are experienced in gathering the right audience and increasing excitement for their auctions. By having an auction after or even before an estate sale, you can move all of your items and get more money faster.

Common questions about estate auctions

If you have never sold items through an auction house, you’ll likely have many questions. Here are some of the most common questions asked about this that may be able to help you.

What if I don’t have any expensive items like antiques?

That’s okay! People who attend this type of auction aren’t always looking for antiques and collectibles. Many auctions have sold lots of household goods like pots, cookie jars, glassware, movies, and good-condition used furniture.

What if my items are too expensive?

It may seem like selling your more expensive items online or in an app may be a better idea than selling at an auction. However, estate auctions are known for being great places to find collectibles. This includes antiques, guns with documented history, knife collections, and more. Auction houses have a base of bidders that keep an eye out for items they are looking for. By listing your items online, these auction houses can reach even more people who might be interested.

What are the benefits of having an estate auction?

There are many benefits of taking part in an estate auction, especially if you choose to do this BEFORE you have an estate sale. You will be able to get rid of all of your items at one time and everyone will have a chance to look and bid on the items. You aren’t limited to in-person bidders, either. If someone has taken interest in your items in the online catalog, they can contact the auctioneers to make an absentee bid.

Can I do anything to help my items sell better?

It is the auctioneer’s job to drum up excitement at the auction and keep bidders on their toes. But, there are some things you can do before the auction to help make sure it goes smoothly.

  1. Do some research on prices. Work with the auctioneer to make sure the minimum bids you choose are fair to you, the auction house, and the bidders.
  2. Make notes on any items that need detailed descriptions. The auction house should enter your items into an auction catalog with basic information. But, if you give them more information, they will be able to include that too. This includes any historical information you have on antiques and collectibles.
  3. Choose the right auctioneers. Make sure you work with a licensed auctioneer to sell your items. They should have experience in the industry and a good reputation with sellers AND buyers.
  4. Learn about the auction house. You want to make sure you understand their processes and fees.

Finding the right auction house for your estate items

If you are interested in learning more about estate auctions or would like to use one to sell items, contact High Plains Auctioneers. Our auctioneers are experienced in selling a variety of items from estate sales and even used farm equipment and antique collections. You can reach us at (806) 244-6776 or Send Us an Email. Don’t forget to check out our Upcoming Auctions too!