What Is My Tractor Worth? What To Know Before You Go To Auction
Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

If you are planning on selling your used tractor at auction, you are probably wondering exactly how much it is worth. There are many ways that you can figure out the answer to this question.
Look at past live auction results
This is perhaps the best method of valuing your used farm equipment. You can start by finding tractors that have sold at auction. Look for equipment that is similar to yours. Pay attention to the condition as well as the location where the tractor was sold. You should also look into the auction house where it was sold to evaluate how many bidders were present, as this can affect the value.
Look at online sales
This method may not be as accurate as looking at live auction results, but it can still help you. Be sure to look at what tractors sold for, not just what people are asking for. Websites like eBay can be a good place to look. Craigslist and other listing websites can help you with asking prices, but more importantly, they can help you figure out different values in various areas.
Other ways to get the worth of your tractor
There are some other ways that you can value your used tractor besides looking online. You can speak with a tractor dealer or licensed appraiser for a professional valuation based on condition and other factors. You should be able to find a Blue Book or documented collector’s value as well.
Tips for valuing your tractor
Before you tell the auctioneer what you would like your used farm equipment to sell for, there are some things you should remember. These tips are not meant to be used as a guide, but to help you navigate the process and get the most for your tractor.
- Don’t rely solely on the asking or purchase values you find during your research. These values depend on many factors, not just what the seller wanted at the time of the sale.
- Think about how common your tractor is. If your piece is commercially available and popular, it will probably sell for less. On the other hand, if it isn’t a well-known tractor, you may not be able to find a reliable value. Some of the most common tractors in the industry are John Deeres, the Challenger MT975E, and the Versatile 610DT.
- Make sure the auction house you choose has a good base of bidders.
- You will need to choose between live auctions, online auctions, and timed auctions among other options.
- The tractor you are selling needs to be in good shape. The bidders want to know that the equipment will work and that it has a reasonable amount of hours on it.
Used farm equipment auctions in Texas
Are you interested in selling your tractor or need help finding out the value? The professionals at High Plains Auctioneers can help you sell your used farm equipment at one of our many auctions throughout the year. Give us a call at (806) 244-6776 or Contact Us by email and don’t forget to check out our Upcoming Auctions.