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Pre-Auction Inspection Tips For Used Combine Harvesters

Monday, June 10th, 2019
auction tips for buying a used combine harvester at auction

Do you need to replace your combine harvester? Have you purchased additional land and need to add one to your farming fleet? Either way, don’t overlook purchasing your next combine at auction because you could miss out on some big savings! This post will go over everything you need to know about purchasing a combine harvester at auction.

Inspecting the combine

If you are going to buy your next piece of heavy equipment at auction, then you need to be able to inspect it. The first thing you should do with any used equipment or vehicle is to pull the serial number and odometer readings. The serial number allows you to check the make, model, and year of the machine with the dealer. Once you confirm this information, you will know if this is the right one for your needs. Next, you want to check the odometer to make sure there are enough “miles” left for your needs.

Look at the overall appearance

Start your inspection by turning on the combine harvester. If the auction house will let you, drive it forward and backward to make sure the transmission works. Be aware that many facilities will not let you do this because it is a liability.

You should also walk around the outside of the farm equipment and listen to the sound of the engine, look at the paint, and pay close attention to any leaks or damage. The overall look of the combine harvester can show how well it was cared for by the previous operator. Always review maintenance logs too.

Inspect the engine compartment first

The next thing you will want to inspect is the engine compartment. Here are some steps that can help you do this.

  • Take a look at the overall appearance of the engine. Do you see any leaks from hoses, hydraulics, or the engine? Cracked hydraulic and coolant lines can cause many problems.
  • You should also check out the engine plate to confirm the specifications and make sure they follow the emissions standards for your
  • Don’t forget to check out the air filter but make sure the engine is off first.
  • Review the owner’s manual to see about replacement schedules.

Take a look at the cab

You should pay close attention to the cab. If the combine harvester was well-maintained, the cab should be clean with only a few worn areas. Also, you should also see a collection of other options such as monitors, displays, and other tools that enhance your ability to use the equipment effectively. If you see these items, make sure they work.

Other equipment parts you should inspect

There are many other parts of a combine harvester that you should inspect before the auction.

Front attachment

Most combine harvesters are sold with generic pick-up headers. Just like before, verify the serial number and make sure it is something you can use. Inspect the hook-up, belts, hoses, and auger.

Rear attachment

There are many different types of choppers. Make sure the type that comes with this combine harvester is one that you want. You should look for missing blades on the chopper as well.

Side body attachment

You should also check out the unloading auger. Just like with other parts of the combine, there are many different types of unloading augers. You should confirm the length you need to reach your grain cart or trailer to make sure it is compatible with your needs. An extender can help if the length is too short and the auction may have this available as well as the combine itself.

Combine body details

Combines have multiple working parts, so when you’re purchasing a used one, you need to make sure that these various parts are in good working order. First, take a look at the feeder hose to see if there is any damage to the chain, hydraulics, and sieves. You should also inspect the grain tank and any extensions. Many combine harvesters might have after-market extensions. Make sure these parts are up to your standards.

Drive train and undercarriage

Combines can come with tracks or tires. Take a look at the model and size of the tire. Inspect the tread and confirm it is in good condition. Take a look at the rims and make sure there aren’t any cracks or bends. If it is tracked, then inspect the track and make sure that it is in good condition. You should also look for issues with the rollers and drive sprockets.

Heavy equipment auctions in Texas

If you need a new combine harvester or other types of used farm equipment, call High Plains Auctioneers at (806) 244-6776. Our auction experts are prepared to help you. You can also Contact Us by email to learn more about Bidding or Selling at one of our events. Don’t forget to check out our Upcoming Auctions to see what we will have available!