How To Get People Interested In Your Items Without Bids
Wednesday, June 9th, 2021
It’s no doubt that you can start to become nervous when you are hosting an auction and certain items aren’t receiving any bids. You start to wonder, “Is this item not in demand?” “How can I get people excited about this?”
There are many questions that will start to run through your mind. But, the process to get people to bid is actually quite simple. In this article, we will explain the steps you should take before and during the auction.
The first step to a successful auction is to market, market, market! You need to make sure that people are aware of your auction and the items that will be there. You can do this in many ways such as:
- Social media- Social media is one of the best ways to get the word out that you are having an auction. It can be seen by virtually anyone around the world. Now, if you aren’t exactly wanting that, you can always boost your posts to a more local location.
- Handouts- you can create enticing fliers or pamphlets to hand out locally. This will help people to remember and to have an actual copy of the event that you are going to have.
Give history
If you have taken all of the necessary steps before you hold an auction, and your items still don’t get attention, there are more steps you can take.
To make the attendees more interested in your auction items, you can give the history of the piece. Sometimes, people are more interested in where the item has been and who has had it rather than the actual item. For example, if you have an item that is very old, giving the history of how and where it was made can help to boost the interest in it.
Use your voice
The most important action at an auction is always the auctioneer’s voice! They are the ones to get the crowd excited and interested in the items that are going up for auction. Their tone of voice will set the mood for the entirety of the event.
Plan to attend an auction?
If you are wanting to find some unique items at an auction, you can check out everything that we have coming up! We host auctions with items anywhere from farm equipment to estate sales. These are the perfect opportunity for you to add something special to your collection of antiques! If you have any questions, give us a call at 806.244.6776 and we can help you learn more.