Common Antiques And Collectibles That You Can Find At Auctions
Thursday, November 1st, 2018

There’s often nothing more thrilling than being at an auction. It’s exciting for bidders trying to find a fantastic deal and for sellers to watch the bidding. You may be wondering what items are often found at auctions, so here’s a breakdown of what you can generally expect.
Coin and stamp collections are starting to become more popular again. For previous generations, collecting these items was seen as boring that didn’t hold interest. However, as some collectibles are becoming more rare on the market, more people are starting to pay attention to them and their prices.
Antique guns
Antique guns are a piece of history that many enjoy owning. These firearms were produced prior to the end of 1898 according. For some, it’s all about owning an interesting piece of history, while for others, attending auctions is about growing a collection. You can only imagine what events transpired around antique guns.
There are less regulations when it comes to buying antique firearms. In some cases, these guns can be carried without a concealed carry permit. This does depend on your local laws, however. As time passes, these antique guns are becoming harder to find. That makes it even more exciting when an authentic antique firearm comes up to the auction block.
Old, vintage and antique toys may seem like something that should end up at a local thrift store, but there’s actually a big market for old toys. These sell well at auction because many bidders are collectors seeking a piece of their childhood or looking to make a profit. Some favorite items include original video games, old baseball cards, old lunch boxes featuring fun characters, and metal Tonka trucks. Other popular old toys include Fisher-Price Little People, dolls, and bikes or tricycles. Not every toy is going to be a hit with collectors, though. Some are valued more highly than others, so keep this in mind when looking for your favorite old toys at auction.
Old media
The phrase that everything old is new again is true at auctions. Old media can be very popular depending on the market. First edition books are usually a good find, along with books that were only produced in a limited amount. Both of these book types are in demand because they are rarer than later editions or books that were mass produced. Not all old books are created the same in the eyes of buyers. For instance, old encyclopedias are no longer in demand. In fact, you may be hard-pressed even to donate an old set of encyclopedias.
It’s not just old books that are popular in the media category. Vinyl is being discovered by younger generations. Many believe that it has a better sound than an MP3 or CD. Not every vinyl album will bring big money at an auction, but there are some gems out there that are valuable to the right collectors.
Big items
You may have noticed that most of the above items are small in size and wonder if you can buy or sell furniture at these events. Large items aren’t always as popular at antique auctions. Many people are downsizing into smaller homes and apartments, or are just starting out and only need the basics. However, if you can find the right market, there are many great antique furniture auctions.
Auctions in the Texas Panhandle
Do you need more information about Bidding at auctions or Selling your items? Contact the experienced auctioneers at High Plains Auctioneers today by calling (806) 244-6776.You can also Contact Us by email to learn more and check out our Upcoming Auctions to see what we will have available!