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Monday, December 23rd, 2019

Having an estate sale can be a good way to get rid of items that you no longer need and make some extra cash. But, most people aren’t able to sell every item during the event, especially if they are on the expensive side. Here are some tips to help you sell the leftover items from your estate sale.

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

Estate auctions are great if you love antiques or are just looking to furnish your home or apartment without spending a fortune. These events are exciting and can often supply you with better quality items than discount retail shops. You will be able to bid on anything from furniture to room decor to kitchenware, and everything in between. These auctions move fast and can be intimidating if you are new to the auction scene. Here are some tips to prepare you for your first estate auction so you can score the best deals.

Thursday, July 9th, 2015

It’s common knowledge these days, that if you have unwanted stuff or if you’re looking for more stuff without paying full price, a garage sale is a good place to start. Bargain hunters spend much of any given weekend looking through neighborhood garage sales for the deal that will make them happy. Besides garage sales, you should also check out estate auctions. The idea is quite similar. People who have things they can’t use anymore try to sell to those people who need them. Below are some differences in an estate auction and a garage sale.

Thursday, July 9th, 2015

Estate auctions have many of the same elements that you are already familiar with and most likely enjoy at garage sales. Your advertisement for this event should include some incentives. Have the estate auction outdoors, weather permitting, with plenty of food for your guests. These events can also be social when you enjoy things such as fresh air, fun, and finding those special items. With these tips, your estate auction can be a social event that people of all ages can enjoy!

Thursday, July 9th, 2015

The fire ate through Melanie’s house, taking most of the structure in a life-changing early-spring event. Of course Melanie was upset about the loss of the house where her life had been staged for so many Christmases, Easters, and birthdays. But the absolute heartache came when she realized the blaze consumed irreplaceable heirlooms from her family, part of her own personal history. The insurance would take care of the house, but no amount of money could recover Grandma’s bed or her Aunt Sally’s armoire that had been lost in the fire. She was devastated at the loss of those and other family heirlooms. How could she replace family heirlooms and keepsakes? Why are those heirlooms so important? Can the keepsakes even be replaced?