You can save money by purchasing a used car at an auction, but there are a few things you should know about the process first. For instance, there are better times than others throughout the year to get a good deal. If you understand how the vehicle market changes, you can have a better chance of getting a bargain. Here are a few tips you can use when buying a car from at an auction house.
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Thursday, April 12th, 2018
Finding the perfect desk, set of chairs, jewelry, or any favorite item can be difficult. Maybe you saw an item while you were traveling or you spotted something at an auction in a different state. If you look online, you may find many items at auctions in other areas that you cannot make it to. Distance used to be a problem for bidding at an auction and required someone else to go in your place. Today, absentee bidding is an option that is accessible to anyone, rather than only those who can afford a stand-in. The following can help you understand absentee bidding and how it can help you when you can’t attend an auction.
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Thursday, March 1st, 2018
Auctions are a great place to go if you’re looking to furnish a home without spending a lot. You can find incredible deals on everything from modern and antique furniture to china and accessories, all without having to visit multiple antique stores. Follow these tips next time you participate in an estate auction and you may come away with great deals on amazing pieces.
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Thursday, February 22nd, 2018
Estate auctions are great if you love antiques or are just looking to furnish your home or apartment without spending a fortune. These events are exciting and can often supply you with better quality items than discount retail shops. You will be able to bid on anything from furniture to room decor to kitchenware, and everything in between. These auctions move fast and can be intimidating if you are new to the auction scene. Here are some tips to prepare you for your first estate auction so you can score the best deals.
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Thursday, January 4th, 2018
Individuals and car dealerships are just two places for you to buy a car, but you can also consider buying one at an auction. There are some things you should know before attending a car auction. Here are some positives and negatives to purchasing your next vehicle at an auction.
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Friday, December 1st, 2017
Going to a a gun auction can be exciting and it can be easy to get caught up in the moment while bidding. Being prepared to bid on an item is always recommended so you don’t over-bid. When you are going to bid on a gun, you want to be especially knowledgeable on which firearms are going to be available. You should also know the following information to make things run smoothly, including how to research the guns, how to bid, and what the auctioneer does.
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Thursday, November 30th, 2017
If you have decided to sell a firearm, you will want to make sure you receive the best price possible. Evaluate the condition of the gun first, as this will have a huge effect on its value. It should be in good working condition, and you will need to know the exact serial number and the year the firearm was manufactured. There are a few other things you will need to know before selling at auction. If you are interested in buying a firearm, it is also important to know how to find its value and ensure you get a great deal.
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Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
There are publicly-held auctions, also known as trustee sales, where you can bid on a foreclosed home. If you are considering the purchase of a foreclosed home at an auction, there are some things you should be aware of before you bid. There are potential pitfalls for you to be on the lookout for to avoid a financial crisis as well. By following these five tips, you can get a good home at a great price.
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Tuesday, December 8th, 2015
Going to auctions is one of the best ways to get antiques at an affordable price, especially when bidding on a budget. It’s fun to engage in the auction process and exciting when you raise your paddle and give the winning bid. If there are specific items you’re interested in purchasing at auction, or you’re buying on a budget, bidding carefully is important.
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