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Advertising Your Auction To Bring In The Bidders

Friday, July 10th, 2015

Your farm equipment is ready and the details have been arranged with your auctioneer so the next step for a successful auction is to advertise. Getting the word out is the key to bringing bidders to the table so you get the best price for your farm equipment. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to advertise your auction, and the more methods you utilize, the more people you’re likely to reach with the details of your auction. By using newsletter and newspapers, internet advertising, direct mail and email you can announce your auction to a widespread range of potential buyers.

Newsletters, newspapers and radio

The first step to advertising your auction is placing ads in newsletters. Ideally, these would include (but are not limited to) trade newsletters directed at farmers who may be interested in your auction. Ads in newspapers as well as trade magazines are also helpful by drawing attention for your auction and updating potential bidders. Consider advertising on your local radio station. Advertising your auction during the morning commute is an easy and affordable way to get awareness for auctions. Spread the word with these methods in your local and national communities to pique interest for your upcoming auction.

Internet advertising

Your auctioneer will put the details of your sale on the internet, so spread the word among your community, family, and friends, and direct them to the company’s website. The listing will include the date, time, and location of your auction, as well as what items you’ll have available for auction. Consumers can even come to the website and search for particular items and can find the auction details.

It’s also a good idea to use social media to promote your auction. Many potential buyers are plugged into websites like Facebook and Twitter, so create listings for your auction which include all of the relevant information. Since many buyers come from out of state, using the Internet is a great way to attract a broader audience of buyers to ensure many potential bids on auction day.

Check your mail

In today’s world, there are two types of mail, and both can be utilized to your advantage when it comes to announcing your upcoming farm equipment auction. Full color flyers or brochures can be direct mailed or emailed to the auction company’s database of clients and bidders. This means news of your auction could reach thousands of potential buyers in many locations.

For more details

Want to know more about how to have a successful auction, attend auctions, or schedule an auction? Contact High Plains Auctioneers at (806) 244-6776 today to get all the information you need about farm equipment auctions. Check out the other pages on our website to find out about all of our upcoming auctions and find out more about our company. For your convenience, you can send us an email for answers to your questions, or to be placed on our mailing list in order to be notified about upcoming farm equipment, land, or real estate auctions.