4 Things To Inspect Before Bidding On A Used Tractor At Auction
Monday, April 10th, 2017
When farmers set out to buy a used tractor, they typically know exactly what they are looking to purchase. Usually, farmers will inspect tractors that interest them before they bid for them at auction. The following are several inspection tips as well as general guidelines to follow when looking for a good used tractor at auction.
Overall appearance
If a used tractor was well-maintained, it will look like it has been taken care of. Dents, peeling paint, or weathered tires are all signs that a tractor was stored outside. Depending on the tractor, replacing the tires can cost you thousands. Before making a bidding decision, use a tire gauge to measure what is left of the tire’s tread depth and compare it to manufacturer standards. This measurement will give you an idea of how much longer the tires can be used.
Articulation point
Conduct a visual and operational inspection of the used tractor’s articulation point. This point is the major moving part of the machine and it should always be greased. Check for metal shards as well. If you find metal shards, you can be sure the tractor was not well-maintained.
Next, you need to perform an operational inspection by starting up the tractor and driving it back and forth, if this is possible at the auction. If you notice a knock while driving, a transmission slip could be the problem. Steer left and right and check for looseness or wandering in the steering. If you notice a looseness, the main pin may be damaged or bent and need replacement.
Engine compartment
You should check the engine compartment on the used tractor before placing a bid. Lift the hood after starting the tractor and check for signs of a leak. Check for cracked or worn coolant, hydraulic, and fuel lines. Check the horsepower and make sure the engine will meet the emission standards for your area.
Maintenance logs and documentation
It is best to purchase a used tractor that has adequate maintenance logs, work orders, and inspection lists. Always request these documents at the auction site. The documents will provide you with valuable insight into the frequency of repairs the tractor has experienced in the past.
If you would like to learn more about buying used farm equipment at auction, contact the experts at High Plains Auctioneers today. You can call us at (806) 244-6776 or Contact Us by email for more information about buying items at auction. Don’t forget to check out our Upcoming Auctions to see what we have available!