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3 Live Auction Etiquette And Bidding Tips

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017
tips to help you at a high plains auctioneers live auction

Live auctions can be an exciting and rewarding experience for many buyers. Buying at auction is a great way to save money on rare, antique, or unique items. There is a level of bidding etiquette that is expected at any live auction. It is essential to understand bidding etiquette before attending a sale. Read on to learn more about the auction etiquette you need to make your bidding experience a positive one.

Avoid placing an accidental bid

It is quite possible to accidentally bid on an item that you do not want. A simple scratch of the nose or ear can be seen as a bid during the rush of a live auction. This is a rare scenario, but it does happen. If the auctioneer is not sure that you were bidding, they will ask you if the bid was intended or not. Be aware of the way you move and make sure you are not causing confusion during a live auction.

Know how to get the auctioneer’s attention

You must know how to properly bid if you find an item of interest. Getting the attention of the auctioneer is the most important step in the bidding process. Raising your hand or nodding your head will typically get their attention. However, if there are many people bidding, it may be necessary to give a vocal shout to get their attention. Being vocal is acceptable at most live auctions, but should only be done if necessary.

Make sure to set a budget

Many people make the mistake of not setting a spending limit before they attend a live auction. You should know what you are willing to spend before getting caught in a bidding war. Once a bid hits your spending limit, you can bow out and turn away from the auctioneer so they know you will not go higher.

If you forget to set a spending limit, you may end up paying more for an item than it is worth. You want to get the best deal possible, so set a spending limit and do research beforehand so you can be successful.

More information about live auctions

Prepare adequately before an auction so you can avoid spending too much, accidentally bidding, or using improper auction etiquette. For more information on how to bid at auction, contact the experts at High Plains Auctioneers today. Call us (806) 244-6776 or Contact Us by email to find out more information on bidding practices. Don’t forget to check out our upcoming auctions too see what we have available.